Growing Up, Growing Sideways

I'll never understand people who complain about their significant others. If they make you so miserable, leave. Right?

Right? Anyone? I grow so tired of feeling like the only rational person around when it comes to relationships. I'm not just talking about love-life-type relationships either, but also friendships. I just can't seem to wrap my mind around so-called friendships that seem entirely based on putting each other down. Perhaps it's a self-esteem issue, or perhaps it's just some brain disorder. Maybe it's a societal after-effect on a generation raised by the television. 

Whatever. I'm no psychologist. I'm just a dude happy in his relationships, surrounded by loving/supportive people. What do I know?

Growing Up, Growing Sideways (V. 1.3)

yeah, i do what i want and on my own time
so i guess i'm doing alright,
cuz everyone around me's still trying to fit
into expectations three sizes too big.

she's drunk and
bitching about having to wear that ring when it's hot and
her hands are swelling like sausages
and "jesus christ when do the kids go back to school
where they can bully other kids all day
instead of me?"

he's drunk and
swearing that if she don't stop
nagging he'll really leave for good this time
and to hell with the lease and "she wants to get off
the pill but i ain't about to start wearing rubbers,
so i guess i'll be proposing soon enough."

spinning tires at one million RPMs,
gettin' that rut nice and deep before

i'm drunk too, but at least i can walk home from here
and tomorrow i can sleep
through my hangover.


That's just a few of my more lucid reflections on the phenomena. As my 31st birthday approaches, closely followed by my second anniversary, I find myself wondering how I wasted so much time on people who weren't even worth the breath it took to say good bye. Growing old kicks ass, even if my belly's a little softer than it used to be. Growing up on the other hand still holds no appeal to me and hopefully never will. Like Seven Seconds, I'm gonna stay young until I die. How could I ever do otherwise? 

Today I'm going to drink a lot of beer and Tiltwheel will rock my face, and The French Exit will make me happier than I've been all week. I will be hoarse for days, not because I've been shouting AT someone, but rather WITH someone, and that's just about the best thing that could ever happen.



1 comment:

  1. p.s. after a little trouble with my ride situation, everything worked out, and, as planned, no one will be able to hear a word i say unless i shout it. that's shouting TO someone, not AT someone. xo!
